Photo 18-10-2017, 09 01 52


There are three key elements to Autumn fashion – coats, layering and boots and I have to admit, I am a sucker for the latter.


There is nothing I get more excited about in the colder months than finding a good pair of stylish, but also durable pair of boots that will make any outfit look good and also withstand the weather conditions. If anyone knows how to do boots that will tick all those boxes, it’s Palladium Boots.

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The burgundy babies featured in these pictures are definitely my key boot this season and they’re part of the Palladium Boots collection which has just launched on ASOS. Not only was I lucky enough to find the perfect pair of boots, but I teamed up with both brands for a blogger brekkie in Instagram heaven – otherwise known as Palm Vaults Cafe, London.


And yes, I did order a matcha latte.


Be sure to check out the Palladium Boots Collection on ASOS now to find your perfect pair of boots this Autumn!

Photo 12-10-2017, 11 15 36

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